Stepping Inside Iranian Propaganda

We have take a good look at American propaganda and how the country brainwashes its citizens into believing that they have given the rest of the world freedom by waging wars to liberate the country.Image Hosting by

Israel is another country that has not only its citizens but nearly the entire Christian population around the world brainwashed. Now lets take a look how Iran spreads its message of hate and propaganda.

Recently on Jihad Watch I came across this article on Iran asking every Muslim around the world to help "erase" Israel. Perhaps if everyone knew about the bloodshed and murders that helped form Israel you would want to help erasing as well.

Although I would really prefer some other method to this madness, than elongating the ongoing culling process that has caused a massive loss of human lives and freedom.

Manouchehr Mottaki, foreign minister, Iran, said, "As the Imam Khomeini said, if each Muslim throws a bucket of water on Israel, Israel will be erased," at a conference in Tehran, recalling a saying by Iran's late revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

I stumbled upon this video that shows a military parade in Iran, how the system is spreading hate among its army. Just to let you know that American soldiers are made believe that hate is a weapon from God.

Hate can only be from the dark side, hate does not send a chain of good actions, but only sets off a long chain of evil and revenge. Stop hating and start loving, take a look at another video that is anti US-Iran Propaganda.

When you see that every country is waging war for their own selfish motives, we the citizens of these countries around the world are the ones who are murdered, rendered homeless and have a list of war crimes committed against us. Don't get fooled by propaganda, look deeper within yourself for answers the truth may never be pleasant but it should definitely not be ignored

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