Sathya Sai Baba is a highly revered spiritual leader and world teacher

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Sri Sathya Sai Baba

I have come to light the lamp of Love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added luster. I have not come on behalf of any exclusive religion. I have not come on a mission of publicity for a sect or creed or cause, nor have I come to collect followers for a doctrine. I have no plan to attract disciples or devotees into my fold or any fold. I have come to tell you of this unitary faith, this spiritual principle, this path of Love, this virtue of Love, this duty of Love, this obligation of Love. 4 July 1968, Baba

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Four important discourses by Sri Sathya Sai Baba:

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Shiva Shakthi (6 July 1963). Swami heals himself from an 8-day stroke and announces his third incarnation as Prema Sai eight years after he leaves this body.

The revelation (17 May 1968). The last part of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's discourse at the "World Conference of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations" in Bombay, 17 May 1968. Sai Baba states plainly and directly that he has come as an incarnation of God to restore righteousness (dharma).

Forty-Third birthday discourse (23 November 1968). Swami speaks about His being the Avatar and proclaims his mission on earth: the establishment of righteousness.

Who is Sai? (9 June 1974). Sai Baba talks about God, the Religion of Love, and His Avatar-hood. He explains why he materializes rings, etc., and gives them to people, and he explains what "Sai Baba" means.

Discourses are copyrighted by the Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust., Prasanthi Nilayam, India, with all the rights that pertain thereto. Please use discourses for personal use only.

The Ashrams of Sathya Sai Baba

Sathya Sai Baba spends most of His time in one of three ashrams shown below. Click on each to obtain information about the ashram --how to get there, accomodations, schedule, pictures, etc. Some of these pages are under construction.

Where The Ashrams Are.
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Prasanthi Nilayam, in Puttaparthy, Andra Pradesh (about 125 kilometres northnortheast of Bangalore) is His main ashram.

Brindavan, in Whitefield (on the outskirts of Bangalore) is His second ashram.

Kodai Kanal, a "hill station" in the south of India, is His third ashram.

Click here for information on when He is usually in these ashrams --but remember that He generally does not make His travel plans known in advance.

These ashrams are administered by the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust.

Click on "SSS Central Trust" in the left column to get to the website of the Central Trust.

Sai Organization Education Wing
Sathya Sai Education has grown into a comprehensive education sysem, practiced in all parts of the worldand covering a wide range of formal, non-formal, and infomal education programs.

Formal education is delivered by the Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) progams in state and private schools, colleges, Institutes of Sathya Sai Education, and the Sri Sathya Sai University. These links provide information:

* Sathya Sai Schools and Institutes. This site contains information on Sathya schools and institutes throughout the world and links to existing websites for them.

* Sri Sathya Sai University. The University founded by Sathya Sai Baba in 1981, which provides free education on three campuses: Ananthapur (for women), Prasanthi Nilayam (for men), and Brindavan (for men, on the outskirts of Bangalore).

* Sai International Centre for Human Values. This Centre, in New Delhi, a Unit of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, is devoted to research on education and outreach in order to further humanity's understanding and practice of human halues and its march toward experiencing the One within us all.

Audio Clips

Streaming: Swami leading the Gayatri mantra. 15 minutes long:
Windows Media format Realplayer format Quicktime Player

Swami singing the Gayatri mantra (137K) once, twice, nine times, with background (mp3 files).

The food prayer: Brahmarpanam, ( mp3 file).

To listen to and learn about the Saithree (the three Sai Gayatri mantras), go to this page.

Songs, including Ananda, from the Spirit of Love.

Below are audios of Swami leading bhajans. They are MP3 files.

Amba Shankari Parameshwari
Bhajana Bina Sukha Santhi Nahi
Bhaje Govindam
Bhava Bhaya Harana
Chanda Kirana Kula Mandala Rama
Chitta Chora
Ganga Jathadhara Gowri Sankara
Govinda Gopala Prabhu Giridhari
Govinda Hare Gopala Hare
Govinda Krishna Jai Gopala ...
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Hari Hari Hari Hari Smarane Karo
He Siva Sankar
Jaya Vittala Panduranga ...
Madhava Manohara Madhava ...
Madhura Madhura Murali Ghana ...
Manasa Bajare Guru Charanam
Narayana Bhaja Narayana
Pibare Rama Rasam
Prema Mudita Manasa Kaho
Rama Kodanda Rama
Rama Rama Rama Sita
Sathyam Jnanam Anantham Bramha
Shaila Girishwara Uma Maheshwara
Shivaya Parameshwara
Subramanyam Subramanyam

2009 Calendar of festivals

Image Hosting by PictureTrail.comAll festivals observed by Bharatiyas (Indians) have a marvelous inner meaning. But men in general view them in terms of external observances and celebrate them with feasts and frolic. These festivals were really intended to be used for the exclusive worship of the Divine, to enjoy the bliss of that devotion, and to overcome pain and sorrow. These holy days were instituted for the purpose of getting rid of ignorance and cultivating right knowledge, the higher wisdom and cosmic consciousness.
—Sathya Sai Baba
Sanathana Sarathi, May 1989
From Digest II - A collection of Sri Sathya Sai Baba's sayings

01 Jan. Thu
New Year 11 Jan. Sun
Sports & Cultural Meet 14 Jan. Wed
23 Feb. Mon
Mahasivarathri 27 Mar. Fri
Ugadi 3 April. Fri
Sri Rama Navami
14 April. Tue
Tamil New Year
14 April. Tue
Vishu 6 May. Wed
Easwaramma Day
9 May. Sat
Buddha Purnima 3 July. Fri
Ashadi Ekadashi 7 July. Tue
Guru Purnima
14 Aug. Fri
Krishna Janmashtami 23 Aug. Sun
Ganesh Chaturthi 2 Sept. Wed
28 Sept. Mon
Dasara / Vijayadasami
18 Oct. Sun
14-15 Nov. Sat-Sun
Akhanda Bhajans (tentative)
19 Nov. Thu
Ladies Day 22 Nov. Sun
SSS University
Convocation 23 Nov. Mon
Bhagawan's 84th Birthday
25 Dec. Fri

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