36 - Hypersona

"Hypersona" is the debut release by 36 for his fledgling label, 3six Recordings. Produced over a span of 3 years, it represents the first in a series of three planned albums under the 36 alias.

Unfathomably rich textures combine with delicate instrumentation, and the ghostprint of lost transmissions struggle for their right to be heard. The cold warmth of radio static rushes the heart, whilst the tender melodies break it into a thousand pieces. Always beautiful, but with an unnerving sense of malice, "Hypersona" is like a twisted fairytale, where the outcome is never certain and light must always cast a shadow.

Drawing upon countless influences, but expressed in a personal, honest voice, "Hypersona" is a distinctive, original work, which ignores trends and sits comfortably in a space without time and place.

01 Signal
02 2249
03 Inside
04 Intercept
05 The Box
06 Nephyr
07 Beacon
08 Hypersona
09 Juliet
10 Dream Window
11 Forever
12 Untitled


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