Bombay Dub Orchestra - Bombay Dub Orchestra

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Artist:Bombay Dub Orchestra
Style: Ethnic
The Bombay Dub Orchestra brings together a world of musical influences which fuses electronica, ambient, western classical, Indian classical & semi classical and many other sounds from around the globe.


1. Compassion 4:46
2. Rare Earth (Forest Of Thieves Mix) 8:44
3. Feel (Diamond Cake Mix) 5:34 123
4. Rare Earth 5:45 1,376 Buy mp3
5. Beauty And The East (Marine Drive Traffic Jam) 6:19
6. Mumtaz 4:09 1,341 Buy mp3
7. The Berber Of Seville (Berber Of Suburbia Mix) 6:10
8. The Berber Seville 4:02 258
9. Dust (Pigment Of Your Imagination Mix) 7:26
10.To The Shore 6:20
11.The Greater Silence 6:19
12.Compassion (Continental Drift Mix) 6:57
13.The Berber Of Seville Orchestra Version (Father Mackay's Celstial Vision) 5:39
14.Feel 6:47
15.Remembrance (Fires Remix) 5:40
16.Dust 4:18
17.Sonata 3:18
18.Unexpected Rain 5:04
19.Beauty And The East 8:41
20.Remembrance 2:17

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